Professional Accounting Services in Windsor
We have over 70 years of accounting experience serving clients across the US and Canada. Our firm also has the ability to help Americans with business in Canada. We provide a full range of cost-effective accounting services to provide financial information to our clients in a timely and accurate manner, including:
Compilations and reviews
General ledger and financial statement preparation

Compilations & Reviews
We provide financial reporting on three levels of assurance:
Review – some analytical procedures conducted with limited assurance
Compilation – based upon client information provided and used primarily for internal use
Audit – an intensive examination with the highest level of assurance
Financial Forecasts & Projections
Forecasting is a necessity when trying to effectively manage and lead a business to meet its objectives or to obtain financing for a new business or business expansion. Normally a forecast is related to future financial statements when a business expects to follow a given course of action. Projected financial information incorporates a “what if” scenario that may not be the most likely course of action.
Contact us at 519‑252‑1133 or at info@garantcpa.ca to arrange your appointment.